تغییر اقلیم و تولید گندم دیم در ایران


نتایج شبیه سازی نشان داد که شدت کاهش عملکرد در مناطق شرقی کشور نسبت به مناطق غرب کشور بیشتر است. میزان پیش بینی شده کاهش عملکرد گندم دیم در مناطق دیم خیز کشور برای سال 2025 در محدوده ی 16 تا 24 درصد و برای سال 2050 در دامنه ی 22 تا 32 درصد پیش بینی شده است.

این جملات در چکیده ی مقاله آقایان کوچکی و کمالی با عنوان تغییر اقلیم و تولید گندم دیم در ایران آمده است که سال گذشته در نشریه پژوهش های زراعی ایران (جلد 8، شماره 3) منتشر گردیده است. بر اساس این پژوهش کاهش عملکرد برای سال 2025 یعنی کمتر از پانزده سال دیگر در شمال غربی حدود 20 درصد، در غرب حدود 15 درصد و در جنوب غربی کشور حدود 25 درصد خواهد بود. 

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Journal of Iranian Field Crop Research, Vol 1389, No 3 (8)
Home > Vol 1389, No 3 (8)

Climate Change and Rainfed Wheat Production in Iran
A Koocheki, GH kamali

This research was conducted to evaluate the impacts of climate change on rainfed wheat growth and yield at country level. Weather data generated by a General Circulation model based on the ICCP scenarios for the target years of 2025 and 2050. Daily weather data including minimum and maximum temperatures, precipitation and radiation were used as the inputs of a growth simulation model for rainfed after calibration and validation for predicting wheat yield under current climatic conditions. Using the model, the impacts of climate change on wheat growth and yield was predicted and compared with the current data. The simulation results indicated that leaf area index and absorbed radiation by wheat canopy was reduced under climatic conditions of the target years. Reduction of absorbed radiation resulted to a lower crop growth rate and consequently drastic reduction in dry matter production. Estimated drought stress index for the future climate conditions showed that reduction of crop growth rate was mainly resulted from water shortage due to increased evapotranspiration. Reduction of the length of growth period together with a considerable decline of harvest index resulted in a significant reduction of rainfed wheat yield despite the positive effects of increased CO2 concentration and this negative impacts on wheat yield was intensified from 2025 towards 2050. Simulation results showed that the potential impact of climate change on rainfed wheat yield was more pronounced in Eastern regions of the country compared to the Western production areas. The overall country level reduction of rainfed wheat yield was estimated in the range of 16 to 25 % and 22 to 32% for the years 2025 and 2050, respectively.

Keywords: Climate change, Rainfed wheat, General Circulation models, Simulation, Yield, Iran


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