PhD Conference “Knowledge Gaps in Climate Change Research


اول اینکه بابت تاخیرهای مکرر در به روزرسانی سایت عذرخواهم. گرچه تعطیلات آخر سال است و مثلا قرار است فرصت بیشتری برای نوشتن داشته باشم اما گرفتاری کارهای درسی ام فرصتم را برای رسیدن به سایت بسیار کاهش داده است. روی همین اصل باید این روزها سایت را به روش انفجاری به روز کنم، یعنی دو سه روزی ننویسم و بعد یک جا سه چهار پستی روی سایت بگذارم.

اما اولین مطلب امروز خبری است در مورد کنفرانسی در انگلستان که قرار است جایی برای گرد هم آمدن دانشجویان دکترایی باشد که در حوزه ی تغییر اقلیم و پیامدهای آن کار می کنند. راستش من خودم برنامه داشتم تا شرکت کنم اما به خاطر زمانبندی خاص و تداخلش با تدریس ترم آینده ام به احتمال زیاد شرایط فراهم نمی شود. 

فراخوان کنفرانس را اینجا درج می کنم:


Call for Abstracts – PhD Conference “Knowledge Gaps in Climate Change Research – How are you tackling it?”

The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change is hosting the second annual PhD Conference at the University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK) from the 11-13th April 2012. Our theme is “Knowledge Gaps in Climate Change Research – How are you tackling it?”, reflecting the innovative and interdisciplinary research being carried out by PhD researchers across the UK and wider world. The overarching purpose of this conference is to facilitate discussions regarding what gaps exist in climate change research, and how PhDs, the Postdocs and Professors of the future, aim to address them.

There will be four paper sessions reflecting the four themes of the Tyndall Centre:
·         Land and Water,
·         Cities and Coasts,
·         Governance and Behaviour, and
·         Energy and Emissions.

Abstracts are being accepted for full paper presentations (15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion), speed presentations (5 minutes), and posters. Prizes, sponsored by the Journal of Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions (Elsevier), will be awarded for the best presentations in all categories.

In addition to the sessions presenting research, there will be an opening key note speech from Professor Mike Hulme (UEA) addressing “Climate change: what sort of knowledge for what sort of politics?”, a session concerning career options after your PhD, and a panel debate to close the conference. The panel session will be themed around the future of climate change research and confirmed speakers so far include Professor Bob Watson FRS (Chief Scientific Advisor to DEFRA), Dr. Xianfu Lu (adaptation specialist at the Asian Development Bank), and Richard Gledhill (Head of Climate Change and Carbon Market Services at PricewaterhouseCoopers).

The conference is free to attend, including meals- all that’s left to pay for is your travel and accommodation.

Registration is now open for this event via the website and will remain so until 1st March, although places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Abstracts must be received by the 23rd January 2012 via the same registration form.

For any other queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch via [email protected].


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